1: Simone Biles reacts, defends husband Amid online trolling, she stays strong Supporting Jonathan Owens without fear Love prevails, negativity disappears

2: Biles and Owens, a power couple Unfazed by trolls, they rise above Making strides, love conquers hate Standing tall, defying the weight

3: Simone faces backlash against love Yet she defends Owens, unwaveringly Their bond unbreakable, critics retreat Strength in unity, their victory complete

4: Husband Owens receives unwarranted hate But Biles shields him with love's embrace Together they overcome, trolls falter A love story, a constant alter

5: In the face of adversity, they persist Simone remains undeterred, love can't resist Building a future, side by side Trolls defeated, love amplified

6: Despite the noise, Biles stands tall Jonathan Owens, her protector through it all Unwavering support, a testament strong Together they rise, proving the haters wrong

7: Surrounded by criticism, they flourish Simone Biles embraces love's nourish Owens defended, their love on display Nothing can dim this radiant ray

8: Through the storm, they find solace Simone and Jonathan—on love's premises Standing united, blocking the trolls In harmony, their bond unfolds

9: Finally, love prevails over hate Simone Biles defends husband, celebrates fate Trolls silenced, their voices fade A love story, for which we've all been swayed